WCLUB Partners & Associates

In the interest of our members, we have forged some beneficial partnerships with selected Golf Venues, Business Associations, Travel and Tour operators, Tournament Managers and other business- or golf-related companies and organisations.
Of course, this is no one-way-street, the benefits for the respective WCLUB partners are just as attractive, simply because we are offering a connection to a most interesting target group!

Benefits for member golf clubs
- Exclusive positioning in the region
- Winning the target group ‚business golfer‘ for the GC
- Additional revenue through the organization of WCLUB tournaments and events
- Use of the WCLUB Professionals Network and Social Network Platform
- Increase of the level of awareness
Benefits for partner companies and organisations
- Communication and interaction with the target group ‚business golfer‘
- Creation of added value and additional services
- Developing new sources of revenue
- Participation in WCLUB Business & Golf Networking Events in selected destinations
- Use of the WCLUB Professionals Network and Social Network Platform

You are the president or manager of a golf club and are looking to attract sophisticated golfers from beyond your home region?
You are head of a company or group that shares the goals of the WCLUB or has something to offer to our target audience?
Contact our management team to find out about your WCLUB partnership options